Chapa ya Youversion
Ikoni ya Utafutaji

Jolt ya FurahaMfano

A Jolt of Joy

SIKU 11 YA 31

Mtu anawezaje kuwa na furaha wakati anapitia majaribu mazito? Hilo linaonekana ni la kirohoro sana kuwezekana. Hivi Roho Mtakatifu anadhani sisi ni watu wa namna gani? Baadhi ya Mama Thereza aina ya Poliana na Maria Pomppins?!

Kuchagua kuwa wakristo wenye furaha pamoja na maumivu ya kibinadamu yanaonekana ni makali na makubwa kwa watu ukweli uliowazi kwa wengine. Yawezekanaje watu katika akili zao za kawaida wakafikiria majaribu kuwa sababu ya furaha?! Kwa nini...huo ni ujinga kabisa! Haifikiriki vizuri..mpaka uwe unamjua Yesu. Ndipo, kuwa na furaha katikatinya majaribu inakuwa ni kitu cha uhalisia na uhakika.

The truth is this: we are able to have joy regardless of trauma or tragedy because nothing is able to separate us from His presence. And it is in His presence where there is always fullness of joy. Neither death nor disease are able to deny us the strength and comfort of His presence. Financial ruin, relationship challenges and even broken hearts do not wield the power of removing His children from their Father's love and tender care. A divorce is unable to deny us access to His love and rebellious children will not keep you away from all that He is.

We are to choose joy in situations when joy in the natural would be our very last response. When we are angry with people ... disappointed with life ... in the throes of grief ... and tormented by depression ... James points us to a healthier alternative: JOY!

Earthly circumstances are able to steal our happiness but never our joy! So, next time a trial is headed your way, don't welcome depression but instead, start counting all the reasons why you are able to be a joy-filled and saturated Christian!

Joy truly is the litmus test that determines whether or not we have set our course by remaining in the presence of God.
siku 10siku 12

Kuhusu Mpango huu

A Jolt of Joy

Biblia inatuambia kwamba "Katika uwepo wake kuna furaha tele" na kuwa "furaha ya Bwana ni nguvu yetu". Furaha sio hisia tu bali ni tunda la Roho na mojawapo ya silaha bora katika gala letu la kupigana na kuvunjika moyo, huzuni na kushindwa. Tumia siku 31 ukijifunza ni nini Biblia inasema kuhusu Furaha na kujiimarisha kuwa Mkristo mwenye Furaha bila wasi wasi.


Tungependa kushukuru Carol McLeodkwa kutoa mpango huu. Kwa maelezo zaidi, tafadhali tembelea: