Parents and Kids Daily Devotional "Abundant Joy"Sample

After a month of learning about joy, thanksgiving, and God’s blessings in our lives, take some time and reflect on this: do you still have worries and fear in your heart?
I am not saying that we are not supposed to be worried at all, because worrying is part of human nature. I hope that the verse that we just read will strengthen us. God clearly says for us not to worry, to just pray and continue to be thankful. Isn’t it heart-warming to know that there’s Someone who is so faithful, who never leaves us, and even gives us the guarantee that He listens to our requests and answers them?
Whatever it is you are experiencing today, as parents or as kids, I pray that today’s devotion can give you calmness in the midst of a storm. Keep praying and always be thankful to God.
Devotion for Parents
Problems come and go. As parents, worry and fear keep knocking at our doors. But His Word today reminds us to keep on praying and be thankful. He is a faithful God and He will answer our prayers.
Every time worry arises, quickly divert your attention away from the problem and fix your eyes upon how great and good your God is. Believe me, it will help you to stay calm.
Devotion for Kids
What do you fear today? Is it an upcoming test? Is it a feud you are having with your friends?
The Word of God today reminds us to keep on praying and be thankful even in the midst of problems and worries. Would you like to do that?
Family Devotion Time
Prepare 2 items, 1 small and 1 big (if possible, 2 items which differ significantly in size)
Ask each family member to say this:
“I am scared of .. (point to the small object), but my God is big and will .. (point to the big item)”
After everyone has had their turn, repeat if time allows. Close in prayer.
Say it in a loud a voice so that as your ears will hear your declaration, your faith will grow and new strength shall arise in your hearts.
About this Plan

Maintaining joy in our life is not easy, especially when there are so many challenges and difficulties occur. However, the real joy comes from God who will enable us to rejoice in Him. Through this devotional, we invite parents and children to ponder on various verses in God's word about joy and practice them in daily life.
We would like to thank IFGF for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: