Psalm 23 - The Shepherd With Meസാംപിൾ

When David wrote Psalm 23, he knew exactly the character and nature of a shepherd because he had been one. He knew what kind of man it took to manage sheep in the countryside of Israel.
Early in the morning, he would have led the flock out from the fold, guiding the sheep to pasture. He would have watched and tended them all day, making sure no sheep wandered off and that each sheep was safe from predators. And, if one of the little flock got lost, he would diligently seek that sheep until she was found. Under the blistering sun, he’d lead the sheep to water—but not just any water. He would lead them to still waters since sheep won’t drink if the water moves too fast.
At night, he would bring the whole flock back home to the fold, counting each one as she passed under his rod. Then he had to stay alert to guard the sheep from wild animals who had an appetite for lamb chops! That’s just a city girl summary of a shepherd’s day.
With that in mind, look at what Scripture tells us about our Shepherd— our Good Shepherd, Jesus. Read John 10:1-15. The shepherd names his sheep. The shepherd leads his sheep. The shepherd gives his life for his sheep. The shepherd protects his sheep. The shepherd knows his sheep.
Oh my friend, you are His sheep. the Lord is your Shepherd who leads you, provides for you, and protects you. Jesus is your Good Shepherd who gives His very life for you, His sheep.
Find one statement or Scripture from today that ministered to you and write it on a sticky note, or type it into your phone. Thank God throughout your day for His character and care as you walk with your Shepherd.
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"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." You may know Psalm 23 by heart but haven't experienced its power in your life. This beloved psalm can breathe new life if you are weary and unsure of your next steps. It's more than a psalm that comforts in death; it gives confidence in life. Gain fresh insight and encouragement while exploring the depths of God's compassionate care.