Psalm 23 - The Shepherd With Meസാംപിൾ

Sometimes our lives can feel lonely. Not always because we’re alone but because we feel isolated in our own situations. Loneliness is one of the hardest parts of blindness. It’s not because I don’t have people! Oh, I’ve got my people! I love my friends and family who make my life so rich. No, this loneliness comes from living in my darkness by myself, being isolated in its invisible, impenetrable valley. Blindness sequesters me from the intimacy of reading a million words in my husband’s eyes, sharing the wonder of viewing a mountain range with other tourists, or experiencing the intuitive knowing that comes from a facial expression.
I’m sure you’ve got your thing , your valley, that can make you feel alone too. It might be anxiety or divorce or illness or fear. Regardless of your situation, the Shepherd knows and enters in fully present with you. We are not alone because He is our very own.
Is there an area of your life where you feel like you’re in a valley alone? Sit with your Shepherd and tell Him.
Psalm 23:4 tells you where your Shepherd is when you feel alone. He is with you. Read the verse and notice how the pronouns change from the verses that preceded. David shifts from talking about His Shepherd to talking “to” His Shepherd. David stops saying “He” and “Him” when he refers to God in the valley, now David’s saying words like “You” and “Your.” David is not alone in his valley and neither are you.
My friend, God gets personal when your valley gets dark. If you feel alone today, you’re not. God is with you in your valley. He will never leave you or forsake you.
The Lord is your Shepherd. He tends to your needs. He carries you when you can’t carry on. He stands with you and stands up for you when enemies stand against you. He protects you when you’re unsure or feel unsafe. He leads you when you don’t know which way to go. He saves you from your sin and yourself. He keeps you close to Him, and He is faithful to you forever.
Today, talk to your Shepherd because He is with you.
ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." You may know Psalm 23 by heart but haven't experienced its power in your life. This beloved psalm can breathe new life if you are weary and unsure of your next steps. It's more than a psalm that comforts in death; it gives confidence in life. Gain fresh insight and encouragement while exploring the depths of God's compassionate care.