Psalm 23 - The Shepherd With Meസാംപിൾ

Psalm 23 - The Shepherd With Me

7 ദിവസത്തിൽ 2 ദിവസം

The first four words of Psalm 23 are the perfect launching pad for understanding this psalm. David tells us “The Lord is my … ,” and then he finishes with “shepherd.” But “shepherd” is just one way to illustrate God’s character. There are many verses in the Bible that describe who God is. Search the Bible  App for the first four words in this verse—"The Lord is my.” 

Psalm 16:5 says “The Lord is  my portion.”

Psalm 18:2 says “The Lord is my rock.” 

Psalm 27:1 says “The Lord is my light and my salvation.”

Psalm 28:7 says “The Lord is my strength and my shield.”

God is so many things to us: our portion, our cup of blessing, our rock and fortress, to name just a few. But the word “our” isn’t in any of those verses, is it? Think about the word “my.” Psalm 23 doesn’t say the Lord is a shepherd or our shepherd. It says He is my shepherd just as the other Scriptures state that He is my portion, my rock, and so forth. 

What does the word “my” in this context mean to you? To me, “my” means personal possession. 

When Scripture says that the Lord is “my” portion, “my” cup of blessing, “my” shepherd, “my” rock, “my” salvation, and “my” fortress—Scripture is shouting the truth at full volume —the Lord is mine! My light, my rock, my portion, my shepherd. Mine. I love that. Who He is, is personal to you.

David talks about God as if God belonged to him and he belonged to God. In other words, the relationship is intimate, safe, and permanent. 

Do you talk about God as if He belongs to you and you belong to Him? Is God personal to you? How do you describe your relationship with God? If you wouldn’t describe your relationship as intimate, safe, and permanent, spend today meditating on the personal message of Psalm 23. If you know Christ, you are your Beloved’s and He is yours (Song of Sol. 6:3) The Lord is far more than a Shepherd, He is your Shepherd. 

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ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Psalm 23 - The Shepherd With Me

"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." You may know Psalm 23 by heart but haven't experienced its power in your life. This beloved psalm can breathe new life if you are weary and unsure of your next steps. It's more than a psalm that comforts in death; it gives confidence in life. Gain fresh insight and encouragement while exploring the depths of God's compassionate care.
