Psalm 23 - The Shepherd With Meസാംപിൾ

Sometimes we don’t like to think of ourselves as sheep because we don’t like to admit we’re vulnerable, needy, or capable of straying. Is that you? Or maybe you haven’t been able to admit you are like a sheep because you just can’t grasp how valuable you are to the Shepherd—that He would leave the ninety-nine just to come find you and bring you to His side.
Take a minute to pause and reflect on this. You won’t experience all the Lord can be and wants to be as your Shepherd if you aren’t willing to be a sheep.
Read 1 Peter 5:7, and do these three things:
BELIEVE WHAT IT SAYS! Trust the truth that He cares for you. He doesn’t just care about you as one puny sheep in a big flock. He actually cares specifically for you.
DO WHAT IT SAYS! Seriously, cast your cares upon your Shepherd. He tells you to. He wants you to. What would that look like in your life if you really did that today? Think of just one care or concern. Imagine it in your hands. Name it. Then, imagine shifting it from your hands to your Shepherd’s shoulders. Leave it there.
PRAY WHAT IT SAYS! Write a prayer to your Shepherd asking Him to reveal His care for you in ways you can recognize. Ask Him to help you cast (and keep casting) your cares on Him. Thank Him for caring about what you care about. What matters to you matters to your Shepherd.
Oh my friend, it is OK to be a sheep. Of all the comparisons God could have made, He chose the image of a needy sheep and a strong, gentle shepherd. He’s OK with you being a sheep. He loves you just the way you are. He created you to need Him and to have your needs met by Him. And He created you to need other sheep.
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"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." You may know Psalm 23 by heart but haven't experienced its power in your life. This beloved psalm can breathe new life if you are weary and unsure of your next steps. It's more than a psalm that comforts in death; it gives confidence in life. Gain fresh insight and encouragement while exploring the depths of God's compassionate care.