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The Fire WithinEjemplo

The Fire Within

DÍA 12 DE 35



Esther won the favor of everyone who saw her, including the king himself. This was a recurring statement in Esther chapter 2. It is easy to conclude that favor was given to her because she was, as the Scriptures would describe her, lovely in form and features. But hers was a beauty that was not just on the outside. Esther had a proper view of authority and had such an obedient spirit. She ended up doing exactly that which would honor God and in effect draw unto her the praise of men.

She was obedient growing up. She listened to the one in-charge of her at the king’s palace. And she continued to listen to Mordecai even when she was already made queen. She did not allow her crown to get into her head and change her character.

This world can offer us crowns in different forms—fame, power, or riches. When we allow these things to get into our heads, we can easily dismiss the authorities that God has placed in our lives. Our parents, our teachers, the people who disciple us can provide us with helpful counsel. We listen and follow them knowing that obeying them is not only submitting to their authority but is also an act of obedience to the greatest Authority there is—Christ.


1. Are there people in your life that God has given authority over you that you are having a hard time obeying?
2. Have you allowed your accomplishments to cloud your understanding of the fact that it is God Who gives you the ability to be excellent in what you do?


1. Ask God to give you the grace to obey the authorities He has placed in your life even when it is hard or uncomfortable.
2. Take time to honor and thank the people who have given you sound advice and godly counsel in your time of need. Write a letter, send them a message, or even tell them in person.
Día 11Día 13

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The Fire Within

Keep the fire of faith within burning by taking a moment daily to speak with the very Reason why we live life with much passion—Jesus. Together, for the next thirty-five days, let us develop this precious habit of studying and living out God's Word. Copyright © 2013 Every Nation


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