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The Fire WithinEjemplo

The Fire Within

DÍA 16 DE 35



Samson was a judge of Israel who experienced the power of the Holy Spirit in one of the most dramatic ways recorded in Scripture. His birth was also very significant—an angel promised his mother a son when she was then barren. The angel also gave strict instructions for the upbringing of the boy because he was set apart for a purpose. Samson’s boundaries were not given to restrict him but to release him into God’s purpose.

In the same way, God gives us boundaries through His Word, godly friends, and the Holy Spirit, in order for us to fulfill the great plan He has for our lives. He is not trying to restrict our freedom but He does want us to have the best that He has prepared for us.

Even now, God wants to do mighty things through you. Even before you were born, God knew the plans He had for you. Do not ever think that you merely exist or that you do not have any part to play. God has set up your life, like Samson’s, for a significant purpose.


1. Do you believe that God has formed you with a purpose? How would your everyday activities (going to school, being at home, hanging out with friends) change if you believe every day that God has a significant plan for your life?
2. What are some boundaries that God has placed in your life? How do you respond to them?


1. Thank God for the purpose He has given you.
2. Thank God for the boundaries He has placed in your life. It may be time to even restore some of those boundaries you have broken or crossed in the past.
Día 15Día 17

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The Fire Within

Keep the fire of faith within burning by taking a moment daily to speak with the very Reason why we live life with much passion—Jesus. Together, for the next thirty-five days, let us develop this precious habit of studying and living out God's Word. Copyright © 2013 Every Nation


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