The Fire WithinEjemplo

Ananias is not a very famous character in the Bible. He appears for ten verses in Acts 9, is mentioned briefly in Acts 22, then he is never mentioned again. We do not know much about him. He seems very ordinary—nothing special and even a little bit afraid. But God would use him in a significant way to reach someone who would reach the world for Jesus—the Apostle Paul. You see, Ananias may not have been very talented, skillful, eloquent, or famous, but he was a disciple.
In the same way, we might not think we are that significant, like we have no part to play. But in Ananias’ life, we see that God does not only use talented or famous people. He uses disciples.
When Jesus called the first disciples, He said He would make them “fishers of men.” Every disciple can and will make disciples of others. We do not need to pursue being on stage, having dozens in our small groups, or being the biggest campus ministry. Like Ananias, we just need to be disciples and make disciples. Simple, right?
1. A disciple is someone who follows Jesus, fellowships with other believers, and fishes for people. How are you doing in these three areas? Which ones are you strong in? Which ones do you need God’s grace to improve in?
2. Do you have any reasons or excuses for why you think God cannot use you? How does the story of Ananias help you get over this insecurity?
1. Talk to your small group leader about these three areas (follow Jesus, fellowship with believers, fish for people) that you are doing well in and which ones you need to improve in. Ask for his/her advice on how to grow more in these.
2. Make a list of people that God has placed around you. Ask God for opportunities to share your faith with them.
Ananias is not a very famous character in the Bible. He appears for ten verses in Acts 9, is mentioned briefly in Acts 22, then he is never mentioned again. We do not know much about him. He seems very ordinary—nothing special and even a little bit afraid. But God would use him in a significant way to reach someone who would reach the world for Jesus—the Apostle Paul. You see, Ananias may not have been very talented, skillful, eloquent, or famous, but he was a disciple.
In the same way, we might not think we are that significant, like we have no part to play. But in Ananias’ life, we see that God does not only use talented or famous people. He uses disciples.
When Jesus called the first disciples, He said He would make them “fishers of men.” Every disciple can and will make disciples of others. We do not need to pursue being on stage, having dozens in our small groups, or being the biggest campus ministry. Like Ananias, we just need to be disciples and make disciples. Simple, right?
1. A disciple is someone who follows Jesus, fellowships with other believers, and fishes for people. How are you doing in these three areas? Which ones are you strong in? Which ones do you need God’s grace to improve in?
2. Do you have any reasons or excuses for why you think God cannot use you? How does the story of Ananias help you get over this insecurity?
1. Talk to your small group leader about these three areas (follow Jesus, fellowship with believers, fish for people) that you are doing well in and which ones you need to improve in. Ask for his/her advice on how to grow more in these.
2. Make a list of people that God has placed around you. Ask God for opportunities to share your faith with them.
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Keep the fire of faith within burning by taking a moment daily to speak with the very Reason why we live life with much passion—Jesus. Together, for the next thirty-five days, let us develop this precious habit of studying and living out God's Word. Copyright © 2013 Every Nation
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