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The Fire WithinEjemplo

The Fire Within

DÍA 22 DE 35



Even before Ananias met Saul, the persecutor of Christians, Jesus had already made an impact in Saul’s life. Saul had a run-in with Jesus that would mark him forever. Jesus just sent Ananias to follow up on what He had started.

This is a great source of encouragement to us because it takes away the pressure of saving our friends ourselves. We cannot save them and we do not need to try. What we need is for Jesus to touch them and lead them. An encounter with Jesus will open the hardest heart, break through any lie, and humble the proudest sinner.

When we disciple people, all we are doing is allowing ourselves to be used by God to reach out. God is the One who will work out the results. When we want to bring people into maturity as Christians, all we need to do is connect them to Jesus by teaching them to hear from Him through the Bible, prayer, Christians friends, and the church. And as our friends encounter Jesus, they will grow as disciples.


1. Are there times that you get frustrated or pressured with the people you are reaching out to or discipling? Are you trusting Jesus to continue and finish the work He started in their lives?
2. Are you consistent with helping the people you disciple to encounter Jesus? Are they able to know Jesus better in small group meetings, at church, in fellowshipping with other believers, and in personal times of devotion?


1. If you are leading a small group, pray for those you are leading that they would continue in Christian maturity. If you do not have one yet, pray for your unsaved friends and family that Jesus will reveal Himself to them.
2. Pray to Jesus the next time you share or talk to someone else. Ask Him to create the opportunity to witness to that person.
Día 21Día 23

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The Fire Within

Keep the fire of faith within burning by taking a moment daily to speak with the very Reason why we live life with much passion—Jesus. Together, for the next thirty-five days, let us develop this precious habit of studying and living out God's Word. Copyright © 2013 Every Nation


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