Uphawu lweYouVersion
Khetha Uphawu

ITestamente Endala - Iincwadi zikaMosesSample

Old Testament – The Books of Moses

Usuku 42 LWE 70

Namhlanje lusuku lokuleqa okanye nje ucingisise oko uThixo ebekufundisa kona ezifundweni zakho.
Day 41Day 43

Malunga nesi Sicwangciso

Old Testament – The Books of Moses

Esi sicwangciso silula siya kukukhokelela kwiincwadi ezintlanu zokuqala zeTestamente eNdala. Ngezahluko nje ezimbalwa ekufuneka uzifunde yonke imihla, esi sisicwangciso sihle sokufunda umntu ngamnye okanye iqela.


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