Parents and Kids Daily Devotional "Abundant Joy"Sample

A child once wrote a letter to Santa on Christmas Day that goes like this,
“Dear Santa,
I’ve been good this year. So, can I get a present? I’m not asking for more toys or anything expensive. I’m just asking for one thing and one thing only. Please exchange my parents with Rachel’s.”
This might sound funny and we even laugh about how silly the child is for wanting to exchange his parents. But, honestly speaking, have you ever wanted to do the same?
There is a saying “the neighbor’s grass always looks greener.” That applies here. We see others’ parents, or children, or even our cousins, to be better than our own. Sometimes, we wish for their family instead of ours. Although it’s actually not always as good as we see. Every family has its flaws and weaknesses. The family that we see as a picture of perfection may not be so.
Let us be thankful for the family that God has given us. Each one of them is the best gift from God.
Devotion for Parents
No matter how many kids God entrusted you with – each comes with its own set of strengths and weaknesses, they are God’s blessing for you.
You may have a child who looks like you or your spouse. One child may have more talents than their sibling. Or on the other hand, one child may have more shortcomings than the rest of the troop.
Whatever it is, be thankful for each of them. If God has entrusted them to you, then you are the perfect fit for them.
Devotion for Kids
Your parents are humans too. They have strengths and weaknesses. They are not perfect. That’s why, as children, we should accept them the way they are. Don’t forget to always pray for them and open up to them.
If you don’t like something that they do, say it nicely without judgment. The same thing with when they do something nice, say thank you, and praise them for it.
Family Devotion Time
Distribute papers to each family member. Make a table of 3 columns and rows according to the number of family members there are.
In the first column, write down their names.
In the second column, write down their strengths.
In the third column, write down their weaknesses.
Then, read what you wrote.
About this Plan

Maintaining joy in our life is not easy, especially when there are so many challenges and difficulties occur. However, the real joy comes from God who will enable us to rejoice in Him. Through this devotional, we invite parents and children to ponder on various verses in God's word about joy and practice them in daily life.
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