Together - Daily DevotionalSample

Be Alert
Reading: Eph.6:18-19
Key Verse: “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” verse 18
Yesterday we considered the importance of prayer in order to be spiritually fit. Paul links this practice with an attitude of watchfulness. A vital part of a soldiers defence against attack was not a physical item but a mental attitude of alertness. If, for example, you are praying for missions and meetings in other countries you should be alert to international time zones or you will waste your prayer time on an event that has already happened!
In 1 Sam.26, David was able to enter the camp of his adversary because the guards were not alert. In Gethsemane Jesus warned His disciples, “watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation”. Accusation and temptation can overwhelm us if we fail to be aware of what is happening around us. “Watch and pray” is a phrase used in the Bible as familiar to us as “fish and chips”. The two simply go together.
Paul was alert to the fact that he was a prisoner in chains and specifically asked for prayer to be fearless. We too should be alert to what is happening in our world, in our church, in our family, in our friendship groups and finally in our own lives.
Prayer: Holy Spirit help me to see with Your wisdom how to focus my prayers
About this Plan

We have created TOGETHER – a Daily Devotional to help us as a community and you as an individual grow in your relationship with God. Every month we will explore different themes and deepen our understanding of Bible. We’re looking forward to doing this TOGETHER with our church.