Together - Daily DevotionalSample

The Yoke of Example
Reading: 1 Cor.10:31-11:2
Key Verse: “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ” verse 11:1
Yesterday we referred to the yoke of Jesus. This is an allusion to the practice of joining animals together with a wooden cross beam over their necks as a mechanism of control. Its purpose is to unite animals as one so their combined strength can be utilised in an activity such as ploughing a field. It is said that often a younger animal would be yoked to one that was older so it could be guided and learn from the other’s greater experience and wisdom. The yoke would force the animal to follow the best path. In the OT a yoke is often referred to negatively as Israel were yoked to other powerful nations which oppressed them or they yoked themselves to foreign idols which led them astray (Exod.6:6, Psalm 106:28).
Israel were bound to God under the yoke of the covenant but threw it off in an attempt to obtain independence which ultimately destroyed them (Jer.2:20-28). But God also bears a yoke – the yoke of covenant. He has united Himself to us to train us for greatness. Jesus invites us to yoke ourselves to Him and His ways just as an experienced coach who trains committed sportsmen and women to fulfil their potential.
Prayer: Lord I yoke myself to You so that I might fulfil my potential under Your guidance
About this Plan

We have created TOGETHER – a Daily Devotional to help us as a community and you as an individual grow in your relationship with God. Every month we will explore different themes and deepen our understanding of Bible. We’re looking forward to doing this TOGETHER with our church.