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The Fire WithinEjemplo

The Fire Within

DÍA 10 DE 35



The events in this passage are much later than the previous ones. At this point, Daniel was an old and experienced member of the government. He did have enemies who tried to attack him but they could not because he was trustworthy. He was neither corrupt nor lazy in his duties so they concluded that the only way they could accuse him was to attack his faith.

God has destined us to be of influence to other people. But if we are to be a good influence, we must watch the way we live. We must be blameless, which means to live in such a way that other people cannot accuse us of doing wrong or taking advantage. Are we setting an example that others cannot accuse? If so, that is a powerful testimony!

Like Daniel, the world will do its best to discredit you and make your testimony worthless. But thanks to Jesus, we can be blameless by acknowledging our own sinfulness and imperfections while receiving His grace and ability to change and improve. As we remember His grace, we begin living a life that is more and more holy.


1. Are you living in a way that is blameless? Are your actions good examples or do they cause other people to stumble?
2. Have you acknowledged your sins and mistakes before God? Have you asked for His grace to live a holy life?


1. Repent from the sins you are committing that are causing others to stumble. Confess them to another mature Christian and ask for prayer if necessary.
2. Break away from your sinful lifestyle, may it be cutting off certain habits, deleting files from your computer, avoiding some situations—whatever it may be, ask God for His grace to live out the holy life He has for you.
Día 9Día 11

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The Fire Within

Keep the fire of faith within burning by taking a moment daily to speak with the very Reason why we live life with much passion—Jesus. Together, for the next thirty-five days, let us develop this precious habit of studying and living out God's Word. Copyright © 2013 Every Nation


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