Lord This Hurts, but You Care!Намуна

Lord This Hurts, but You Care!

DAY 6 OF 6

Praise Through

The best way to meander from hurt is to praise The Lord, regardless. Praise is our greatest weapon against the powers and principalities of darkness! (Eph 6:12)

Psalms is full of “praise Him” Scriptures.

There’s never an instance where praise should be circumstantial or situational. It’s never whether we feel like it or not. We are instructed to praise God!

Are you breathing right now? Praise God!

Psalm 150:6 states, “Let everything that hath breath, praise The Lord. Praise ye The Lord.”(KJV)

Practice daily saying/singing your praises to the Lord. (Psa 47:1) This daily practice will develop a more robust version of yourself that overcomes amid trials. It’s almost impossible to praise God and remain in a state of depletion. Praising God puts us in a position for better mood, emotions, and attitude.

I know what the power of praise does for me…it’s a significant attitude adjustment.

Worship affects the heart. The heart needs to be lifted from time to time. And don’t forget that the devil needs a kick in the teeth daily. Our outward expressions of praise remind the enemy that we are more than conquerors! (Rom 8:37)

I wrote a song called “I’m Gonna Trust You Anyway” out of a great trial many years ago.

I vividly remember the day I got the terrible news; I laid myself prostrate on the floor (one of the most humble positions before The Lord), face into the carpet, and I cried out through my tears, “I’m gonna trust You anyway, God! I’m gonna trust You, anyway!” I had said this repeatedly until the belief that God would, indeed, deliver me and my child out of this unknown territory of darkness was fully saturated in me.

My faith was strengthened at a significant cost. I endured incredible suffering to increase my faith, but it was worth it.

It was there, in that humble position crying to God, that He swept peace unlike any other I had experienced. I stood up, wiped my tears, washed my face, and kept going because I knew The Lord cared.

Had I chosen to wallow in self-pity and depression over the loss of control, then I could not have kept going and, in turn, wouldn’t have blessed others to learn how to overcome.

Do you love Jesus enough to praise Him through the pain?

Paul did! David did! Job did! I did!


Jehova Shalom, YOU ARE Peace. I trust You, God, no matter what's creating heartbreak. Help me to praise You in good and bad times. I know that this is where You will meet me and administer Your goodness and new mercies each day. My situation is not impossible for You. I put my faith and trust in You and ask that You increase my faith in this process and help me to live out a life worth representing You well, Father. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.

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About this Plan

Lord This Hurts, but You Care!

Are you hurt by a loved one that continually breaks your heart? Are you dumbfounded at the paths they take that affect so many without considering the domino effect? This plan aims to help you understand some of the whys, help you Biblically cope, and show you how to love that loved one as Christ does. Strengthen your faith and get hope from The God who cares.
