Lord This Hurts, but You Care!Намуна

Lord This Hurts, but You Care!

DAY 2 OF 6


This topic is such a stronghold to God's willingness to move. Faith is key to seeing God’s hand move in that loved one. These are expressions of unbelief.

Faith and doubt cannot be carried at the same time. The thought that faith only has to be as big as a mustard seed, though! (Luke 17:6) This, my friend, is Hope and encouragement!

Sometimes, the adult loved one we hold dear makes decisions that we know, according to Scripture, are hurting them more than they are hurting us, and we can tend to let fear and doubt swell up in our hearts and minds over the choices.

I remember being cut off at the knees a few years back by some "friends" we had held dear in our hearts for years. This situation made me feel fearful and doubtful. It hurt so bad that I thought I might never get over it. I cried and cried in disbelief. The Lord showed me something through this situation. Some people are only in your life “for a season.” Not all friends are for the long haul.

Some are sent to “teach us great lessons” that we can carry on into the future and be a blessing to others because of the hurt we endured and overcame.

Not one thing in the believer’s life goes unfiltered by His mighty hand.

These people were sent as a test, and we must pass that test.

No retribution. No retaliation. Be like Jesus in every situation. Jesus never avenged Himself, so why should we? Are we any better than He? Unequivocally, no! We are always to exercise the Fruit of The Spirit in all we do and say if we want to emulate Jesus.


Jesus, thank You for being ever-present, loving, and caring concerning the cares of my heart. I realize that I cannot escape sorrow, trouble, or pain...but God, I trust You in every circumstance and situation. You are "El Roi," The "God Who Sees." Nothing gets past You; therefore, I will choose to be still and know that You are God, You are in control, and You WILL help me to pass all tests that come my way as long as I stand on Your promises. In Jesus' Name, I pray, Amen.

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About this Plan

Lord This Hurts, but You Care!

Are you hurt by a loved one that continually breaks your heart? Are you dumbfounded at the paths they take that affect so many without considering the domino effect? This plan aims to help you understand some of the whys, help you Biblically cope, and show you how to love that loved one as Christ does. Strengthen your faith and get hope from The God who cares.
