Lord This Hurts, but You Care!Намуна

Jehova Shalom…”The Lord is Peace.” We need Peace in our lives when things have gone sideways. (John 14:27)
It’s easy to get consumed with thoughts of everything going wrong today. It is challenging to be in a constant state of joy, but it’s not impossible. We can be wholly heartbroken but still possess Joy.
Joy cannot be taken away. It is something manifested through The Holy Spirit, which can impart it. Joy springs up Hope under challenging circumstances. Joy can be built and strengthened as the believer chooses to stay in God’s Word and is in continual communion with Him.
Joy=Jesus. Jesus=Hope. Hope=Joy. Full circle moment…do you see it?
As a Christ-follower, there is no excuse not to “get your pail under THE Well” daily that never runs dry. Christ Jesus.
Emmanuel means "God is WITH us." Call on the Names Emmanuel and Jehova Shalom precisely when you need these character traits of Who He is to permeate your situation and bring joy into your circumstances.
How do we daily walk joyfully while our world caves around us?
Our words! Speak life into your situation or circumstance and into that of your loved ones. (see Prov. 18:21, James 3:5-8, Prov. 15:4, Prov.10:11, Prov. 13:3 Prov. 25:11). These Scriptures are a few of many that speak on the power that lies in your speech. This act swells joy into your life!
This is why we must guard our tongues most wisely: God hears all of it. There is nothing that goes unnoticed by our Creator. Nothing takes Him by surprise.
Guess what? The enemy is ALSO listening, and another reason why guarding your tongue is essential. You don’t want to give the devil something to work with by your speech.
Jesus knows our every thought, as well.
For this reason, we must guide our thought processes toward righteousness. We can do this by saturating ourselves with The Word of God & hiding it in our hearts. (Psa. 119:11, Proverbs 23:7, Phil 4:6-8, Psa. 139:23-24)
Trust in The One Who can make all things new. (Rev 21:5, 2 Cor 5:17). Pray! Speak to it, not “as it is,” but as it WILL BE, in the hands of our Heavenly Father! Exercising great trust will bring great joy into your life, no matter the situation or circumstance.
Increase my faith, Emmanuel! Increase my trust and instill Peace, Jehova Shalom! Help me to stand firm in Your Word so that I may be able to hold on to the Joy that you dispensed the day I gave my life to You! Guard my heart, mind, and tongue so I may not sin against You or harm myself and/or others with my words. In Jesus' Name, I pray, Amen!
About this Plan

Are you hurt by a loved one that continually breaks your heart? Are you dumbfounded at the paths they take that affect so many without considering the domino effect? This plan aims to help you understand some of the whys, help you Biblically cope, and show you how to love that loved one as Christ does. Strengthen your faith and get hope from The God who cares.
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