Lord This Hurts, but You Care!Намуна

Lord This Hurts, but You Care!

DAY 1 OF 6


Unmet expectations=disappointment. If you don’t expect anything, you won’t be disappointed, right?

We are to expect what God expects since we are to emulate Him.

Micah 6:8 summarizes God’s expectations concerning believers: justice, kindness, and humility.

While unpacking the luggage of disappointment regarding the ones we love, let’s consider how to lighten these loads.

When I was a young mother, I had certain expectations for my children as they grew up. I whole-heartedly expected that they would grow up to meet almost every desire we had for them that agreed with Scripture. After all, it’s the will of God, right?

I didn’t factor in “generational sin patterns” affecting my and my children’s lives. No one within the church I was a part of growing up ever taught this, and I was completely ignorant of it until adulthood.

Generational sin is disobeying God’s commandments by sinning against His laws. It can also be worshipping anything besides God. It’s also weaknesses/tendencies handed down to us through the generations from parents and before them in the bloodline. These sins can involve behavioral patterns and ways of thinking that keep us trapped in the past.

Even though sin can be passed down through the generations, each person is accountable for his or her personal sins against God.

Multiple accounts throughout Scripture show how generational sin patterns get people into trouble. See Gen. 12:17. Both father and son lied because of the sins of fear and doubt.

There were also David and Bathsheba, Rebeka and Jacob's deception against Isaac and Esau, to name a few more who committed generational sins against their bloodline.

Nothing much has changed in today’s generations. Sin patterns are still as rampant as they were then.

Generational sin patterns affect everyone and must be prayed out.

I started seeing atmospheric changes as I specifically prayed for our children. Often, God wants to change you before He’s willing to change your child.

God is STILL on the throne and working, even when we don’t see or feel it.


Expect the will of God to change your loved one’s life.


Pray without ceasing and thank Him for what He will do to make all the difference. Don’t pray for it as it is…pray for it as it will be in God's hands!


Study The Word of God so that God’s Word will prove to you how much He cares.


Father, You see and are acquainted with my sorrows of unmet expectations. Forgive me of any willful and/or hidden sins I may be harboring in my heart and mind. Show me where I need to repent and make me obedient so that nothing hinders my relationship with You. Forgive the sins of the generations in my bloodline before me that have kept me and my family bound by the enemy. I repent on behalf of my ancestors the sins committed against You, Almighty God. Please, reconcile me and my family, to You. God, this all hurts, but I know that you care! In Jesus' Name, I pray, Amen.

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About this Plan

Lord This Hurts, but You Care!

Are you hurt by a loved one that continually breaks your heart? Are you dumbfounded at the paths they take that affect so many without considering the domino effect? This plan aims to help you understand some of the whys, help you Biblically cope, and show you how to love that loved one as Christ does. Strengthen your faith and get hope from The God who cares.
