One Word for TodayПример

One Word for Today

День 4 из 5


What would it be like to experience peace every day? Not bumping into it occasionally, but abiding in perfect peace, constantly.

At this very moment, the Prince of Peace is with you. Not only with you, but in you, around you, wrapping you in a blanket of serenity that surpasses understanding. But unless you recognize this incredible blessing, you will likely miss it. Peace is a gift, but one you must reach out to receive.

Receiving and walking in peace means choosing to release the cares of this world that easily entangle your soul. It is a heavenly exchange—your stress for Jesus’ peace. Take your hands off the situations you cannot control and ask the Lord to take over.

You will not experience the peace you desperately crave if you are busy trying to fix everything and everyone. A quiet, trusting heart starts with a mind focused on God. Ponder Him continually. Refuse the temptation to fear, and if you notice anxiety creeping in, set your mind on the love, power and faithfulness of your Father in heaven.

The Lord longs to bless you with perfect peace.

Reflect: When was the last time I experienced God’s perfect peace?

Pray: Jesus, my Prince of Peace, I give to You all my worries and obsessive thoughts. You care about the things on my heart, and You have the answer for each one. Today, I reject fearful imaginations and set my mind on You. Pour out Your peace and guide me, today, with a heart at rest in You.

Declare: I have peace because my mind is focused on God and trusts in Him.

Act: Write down on a piece of paper the name of whatever is producing unrest in your life. Symbolically lift it to the Lord. Then in bold letters write PERFECT PEACE over what you have written.

День 3День 5

Об этом плане

One Word for Today

God has clarity and purpose for you today. Each two-minute biblical meditation will inspire you to focus on one word—from God’s Word—and live it out practically through the power of the Holy Spirit. Each day also includes a question for reflection, a prayer, a declaration of faith and a practical action step. You will find strength and direction when you discover one word for a Spirit-led day.
