One Word for TodayПример

One Word for Today

День 1 из 5


God is not opposed to comfort. He is the Source of all comfort. But there is a difference between being comforted and being comfortable.

God does not want us to chase comfort or—like the Israelites—beg to go back to “Egypt” because the road to walking in God’s promises is filled with difficulty. Being comfortable should not be our pursuit, but rather enjoying communion with our Comforter and Helper—the Holy Spirit with you and in you.

Where do you go when you need comfort? You can seek and find comfort apart from God and find yourself in unhealthy addictions. Or you can cry out to God, knowing He hears you and will answer.

How has God comforted you in the past? When you comfort another person with the comfort God has given to you, God turns for good what the enemy meant for evil. This is one way God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (see Romans 8:28).

The Holy Spirit is your Comforter today. Receive what you need from Him, and when the time is right, share that comfort with others.

Reflect: What do I do—or where do I go—when I need comfort?

Pray: God of All Comfort, You are the source of the comfort I need. You heal me when I am broken, and You are merciful when I am in trouble. Forgive me for running to people, places or things for comfort instead of seeking You to satisfy my desires. Draw near to me, make me whole and empower me to release Your comfort to those around me.

Declare: The Holy Spirit comforts me.

Act: Reach out to comfort someone today with the comfort God has given to you.

День 2

Об этом плане

One Word for Today

God has clarity and purpose for you today. Each two-minute biblical meditation will inspire you to focus on one word—from God’s Word—and live it out practically through the power of the Holy Spirit. Each day also includes a question for reflection, a prayer, a declaration of faith and a practical action step. You will find strength and direction when you discover one word for a Spirit-led day.
