Captive No More: Freedom From Pain, Shame and GuiltПример

Captive No More: Freedom From Pain, Shame and Guilt

День 14 из 30


The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.
Isaiah 61:1

Doesn’t life seem like it’s all doom and gloom at times? It’s really nuts if you think about it. God created us and He adores us, but yet we choose to sulk around like a sad sack wondering why life keeps kicking us in the teeth. That is not at all how we are intended to live. We were fashioned in His image to be kings and priests. 

Unfortunately, we end up more like baggage handlers with the exception that we’re toting our own stuff everywhere. All The Time. If you’ve been on this earth for more than a few hours, then chances are, you got baggage. It’s what you decide to do with it that’s the key. But instead of liberating yourself of it, most often it’s carried along throughout the journey of life. 

Do this today: Carry your baggage to the foot of the cross. Drop it and turn around. Walk away and leave it there. God loves you and wants to lighten your load. 

Call To Action 

  1. Write out in detail what your stickers say about how you identify. 
  2. Write out in detail what those stickers should actually say to describe you. 
  3. Write out a laundry list of stinky junk still in your baggage. 
  4. Write out in detail your commitment to clean that dirty laundry.

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