Captive No More: Freedom From Pain, Shame and GuiltПример

Captive No More: Freedom From Pain, Shame and Guilt

День 16 из 30

Distorted Image of God

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.
Luke 4:18

God created the family as a reflection of the way His most immediate family shares in a relationship. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are each separate but the same because of the seamless love shared. Each lifts up and encourages the other with a definite hierarchy with God the Father as the head, Jesus serving His Father, and the Holy Spirit carrying on Jesus’s teachings of the Father. 

Earthly families were also designed by God for the parents to teach, nurture and encourage their kids. Unfortunately, a negative relationship with our dads has a high potential for causing a distorted, and negative perception of God. But it’s never too late to come into alignment with a right relationship with God the Father. Once we accept that our parents’ behavior does not define the nature of God, we’ve begun to claim a future of freedom from our past.  

Call To Action 

  1. Write out in detail your first recollection of God. 
  2. Write out in detail your understanding of God as a child. 
  3. Write out in detail who most influenced your image of God (good or bad) 
  4. Write out in detail the nature of your relationship with your parents and how they influenced the way you saw God.
День 15День 17

Об этом плане

Captive No More: Freedom From Pain, Shame and Guilt

“Suck it up.” Those words empowered and encouraged me as a boy. They injured me as a man. When we talk about pain, we first think of physical pain from injury or accident. There is a masculine, internal block on the notion of our emotions or feelings being hurt. How could they be, we’re men after all!
