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Daily PresenceSample

Daily Presence

DAY 84 OF 365

I was the last man standing. Missiles of foam dodgeballs bombarded me, only to be escaped by my superior athleticism. The battlefield was third-grade jailbreak dodgeball. The game is played as traditional dodgeball with one caveat: If you hit the backboard on the opposite end of the gym with a dodgeball all your eliminated teammates could rejoin you in battle. A jump, dive, and barrel roll later, I was popping to my feet and unleashing a laser straight into the backboard. As the foam exploded against the fiberglass cheers erupted from the sidelines, through one man many were set free.

As I read through 1 Samuel 14 I couldn’t help but be inspired by Johnathan’s declaration of battle to his armor-bearer, “Come, let’s go cover to the outpost of those uncircumcised men. Perhaps the Lord will act on our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.”

My reply would have echoed Johnathan’s armor-bearer, “I’m with you heart and soul!” Put the dodgeball in my hands, I’m ready for battle! In some instances, the simplest of reminders can have the most profound of impacts on our faith journey. Today, the reminder is simple: No battle is too big for the Lord. There is nothing we face that He can’t overcome. No healing He can’t perform, no family He can’t restore, no child He can’t bring back. Our God saves, by many or by few.

I’d be short-changing you not to bring our eyes back to the full picture as we wrap up. Just one chapter prior, Saul is given a chilling rebuke from God, “But now your kingdom must end, for the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart. The Lord has already appointed him to be the leader of his people because you have not kept the Lord’s command.”

Try to stomach hearing those words from God. In the next chapter his son Johnathan is willing to risk his life for obedience, and a victory for the entire army follows his bold steps and faith.

In the battle of faith, our greatest weapon is obedience to God. Faith in the battle is being obedient to God even when it looks impossible. As we’ve seen, when we’re willing to live in obedience, He’s able to bring victory, whether that be by many, or few.

Keep in the fight today!

Day 83Day 85