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Daily PresenceSample

Daily Presence

DAY 87 OF 365

I hate to “break it” to the devil, but what he intends for my harm only makes me stronger in the Lord! Genesis 50:20 says the devil “intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” The devil is prowling the earth desperate to break me down, but as I rise from the ashes, I become more fierce. I hope he regrets every single time he “tries me” in this life.

David’s life is such an excellent example of bad intentions turning for God’s good. David isn’t perfect (cough cough Bathsheeba), but he is a “man after God’s own heart. Acts 13:22 says “After removing Saul, he made David their king. God testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.”

As David is rising into leadership and seeking the heart of God, the devil makes his move. Saul’s jealousy burns and David’s life is constantly in play. As David's influence is broadened and his popularity increases, he becomes an even bigger target. Perhaps the devil never gave him a second glance when he was tending sheep in a field, but now he recognizes the potential in this warrior of God! The “real” battle isn’t between David and Saul, it is a spiritual war, and spoiler alert, God wins.

Christians get the idea that “niceness” is a spiritual gift that will make you friends with everyone. That’s bogus. As Christians, we are warriors! We have a real enemy with a real desire to harm us! In fact, if we are not a target for the enemy, perhaps we haven’t truly joined ranks with Jesus. As we mature in our faith, we will naturally bear spiritual fruit, but don’t expect things to get “nice” or “smooth.” Instead, we should expect there to be spears thrown!

Getting attention from the enemy will become a testimony in our lives. So much so, that when we experience a long season of ideal circumstances, we ought to praise God for His provision and then get in the Word and push the frontlines forward! And vice versa! When we’re facing spiritual challenges in our lives, we can surrender to God with confidence knowing He is about to move!

Day 86Day 88