Okay, So Now What? - Discovering Life in Light of the ResurrectionSample
One of the ways we get to hear from God is through his Word. Sometimes we take for granted that God’s word is right at our fingertips. We have access to Bibles both on paper and on our phones, in multiple languages, multiple translations, and all kinds of styles. We may have all the excuses in the world, but when we recognize that the Bible is still living and active in our lives, it becomes a lifeline for us.
If you’re reading this plan, chances are good that you’ve already figured out how to find Bible reading plans using this Bible app. That’s a great place to begin - and you can do this alone or in community with others. There are Bible reading plans for all kinds of topics or even books of the Bible, but the truth is you don’t need a reading plan. The Word of God speaks for itself, and you can ask God for insight as you read and learn from the words he gave to us.
You don’t have to start big - just start somewhere! You can choose one book (hint: a great place to start is the gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John) or you can even read through the Psalms one by one each day. When you begin to read and learn that each part of the Bible plays a role in the bigger picture of God’s rescue story, you will know that each book has its place and time and still speaks to us today. As you read, wherever you choose to begin, ask God for insight and understanding. Don’t hesitate to ask some adult leaders or friends who may be a step further in their relationship with Jesus for help or guidance.
The Bible is God’s word to us. It is how we can get to know his heart and learn about his character. It’s filled with truth that we can use against the enemy (Jesus did this often!). It’s how we can continue to discover and unfold the fullness of life he has given us in Jesus.
Pray This Today:
God, as I seek to know you more and understand the story of Jesus, give me insight and understanding as I read your word. Speak to me as I read today. Amen.
About this Plan
Jesus died on the cross for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day. That's the Easter story many of us have heard, but now what? What does a life look like in light of the resurrection?
We would like to thank Southeast Christian Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.southeastchristian.org