Why Read the Bible? A Guide for PreteensSample

The Bible Changes Us
Today, you’re going to learn that the Bible isn’t like any other book. As you read in Hebrews yesterday, it’s alive and powerful! Did you also know that the Bible can change you? Oh, it certainly can. Watch this video for much more on that.
The Bible is a book that can transform us into the kind of people who love others the same way that God has loved us. Remember, when you read the words of the Bible, you’re engaging with the words of God so that you can encounter the God who spoke those words! Reading the Bible is an invitation to create space to develop a realationship with the big, powerful, amazing, close, kind, compassionate God of the universe.
Ask yourself: When I read the Bible, is it usually something quick (like getting a task done) or do I make time to think and let God speak to me after or during my time? Which way does God want me to spend time reading the Bible?
Challenge yourself: Grab some paper and something to write with. Today, before you read your daily Bible verses, pray the prayer below. Spend a little time after you read in silence. Draw or write anything that comes to mind as you sit. It could be a picture of something you love about God, a prayer, a question, or any art you feel like making for God in the moment.
Pray: God, thank You for giving me this time with You. I choose to spend it with You completely. Help me to be changed by the great love You have for not only me, but for everyone on this planet. You created each one of us. Speak to me in Your Word today. Give me ears to hear what You are speaking to me. In Jesus’ name, amen.
About this Plan

The Bible is a wild book. It can even be confusing–though followers of Jesus say it’s essential reading. But why? What makes the Bible different from any other book? Could it possibly have anything important to speak into the life of a preteen today? Complete this Bible Plan to see why the Bible really is essential reading.
We would like to thank Life.Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://www.life.church |