Why Read the Bible? A Guide for PreteensSample

Do We Have to Choose Between Believing in Science or the Bible?
Have you noticed there’s this strange belief going around that you can either believe in science or you can believe in the Bible? What a strange thing to say! Science is the study of the natural world. God created the natural world! So, science is the study of God’s creation.
Why is it such a tricky subject, then? Watch this video with Quizman for more on that.
Science and the Bible need one another! Science and Scripture can help us understand our natural world and our supernatural God. We learn new things just like people in the Bible learned new things about God and the world around them. Does the Bible teach us everything there is to know about God and the natural and supernatural world? No! Some things are just too great for us to understand in this life. A little mystery is okay.
We can trust that God teaches us everything we need to know to live a life of love. And we can trust He will continue to reveal more and more of Himself to us as we continue to follow Him and read the Bible.
Ask yourself: What’s one question that scientists can’t answer, but God can?
Challenge yourself: Grab a paper and something to write with. Draw on the paper something (or many things!) from the natural world that you’re glad God made.
Pray: God, thank You for creating such a complex and amazing universe. And thank You for helping scientists to understand it better day by day. You’re absolutely amazing. Thank You for giving us the Bible to help us understand where we came from and what You want from us inside Your amazing universe. Help us to live in the love and freedom You’ve called us to. In Jesus’ name, amen.
About this Plan

The Bible is a wild book. It can even be confusing–though followers of Jesus say it’s essential reading. But why? What makes the Bible different from any other book? Could it possibly have anything important to speak into the life of a preteen today? Complete this Bible Plan to see why the Bible really is essential reading.
We would like to thank Life.Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://www.life.church |