Why Read the Bible? A Guide for PreteensSample

The Bible Gives Life
You know what sometimes happens to humans when we learn something? We get proud. The bad kind. The kind that moves from a healthy sense of gratitude to a sense of “I sure do know a lot more than others.” And that’s only a quick step away from “And, therefore, I’m better than those who know less.”
Watch this video, and you’ll see more on what it’s like when we use what we learn from the Bible incorrectly.
Remember, the Bible is meant to teach us what is true and right. But also remember that part of being right is acting in love. Today, you’ll read some passages from the Bible on what God’s truth is meant for.
Ask yourself: Am I using what I’m learning in the Bible to bring people closer to Jesus? Or do I prefer to just be known as someone who is right all the time?
Challenge yourself: Say this statement (write it out if you want!): The next time I’m tempted to roll my eyes or argue with someone because they’re saying something I know isn’t correct in the Bible, I will stop and listen first. I will not think of myself as better than others. I will live what God says is right by speaking the truth in love, always.
Pray: God, what I just said in the “Challenge yourself” statement above might be hard for me to follow through with. Please help me to see others as You do. No one is perfect. No one follows all of Your ways perfectly. Help me to remember that. Keep me humble. Thank You for teaching me gently. Help me to do the same in the way I live. Help me bring others closer to one another and especially closer to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
About this Plan

The Bible is a wild book. It can even be confusing–though followers of Jesus say it’s essential reading. But why? What makes the Bible different from any other book? Could it possibly have anything important to speak into the life of a preteen today? Complete this Bible Plan to see why the Bible really is essential reading.
We would like to thank Life.Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://www.life.church |