Why Read the Bible? A Guide for PreteensSample

How to Study the Bible
The Bible is filled with real answers to your everyday questions. Questions like: Do I always have to forgive people, even if they’re not sorry? Why is sin bad? What does God think about humans? What does God want me to do with my life? And so, so much more. But how do you find the answers? Watch this video for a great way to study the Bible.
Did you catch all that? Okay, here are the notes on the R.A.Y. method of studying the Bible so you can even write them down if you want!
Read: Read large passages of the Bible—by yourself and with others. Try different translations. Set aside special time to dive in.
Ask: Ask God to reveal something new to you. Ask Him for wisdom on confusing parts. Ask every context question you can think of. Who wrote this? Who did they write to? How does this part of the Bible point me toward Jesus?
Yak: Yak about it. Talk about what God is revelaing to you. (Especially with friends from different backgrounds.) Share what you’re looking for and what you’re finding.
Ask yourself: Which part of the R.A.Y. method do I need to focus on first?
Challenge yourself: Grab some paper and some crayons, markers, or colored pencils. Fold your paper into a small rectangle, about the size of a bookmark. Draw your own graphic for the R.A.Y. method on the bookmark. Use it if you have a paper Bible you like to read from. Or, hang it somewhere that will remind you to spend time studying the Bible each day.
Pray: God, thank You that I don’t have to understand everything I read in the Bible. You can help me learn from it. And You can help me find others who can teach me about the Bible. Help me to talk about what I’m learning often, so others can learn along with me, too. In Jesus’ name, amen.
About this Plan

The Bible is a wild book. It can even be confusing–though followers of Jesus say it’s essential reading. But why? What makes the Bible different from any other book? Could it possibly have anything important to speak into the life of a preteen today? Complete this Bible Plan to see why the Bible really is essential reading.
We would like to thank Life.Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://www.life.church |