Why Read the Bible? A Guide for PreteensSample

The Bible Is Solid Truth
The Bible is unlike any other book. It’s the most printed, most translated, and even most burned book of all time. It was inspired by God but written by people. It documents the event that Christian faith rests on: Jesus coming down to rescue all of humanity from their sins by dying on a cross, rising from the dead, and paving a way for us to have a relationship with God.
It’s made up of 66 books, originally written in three languages (Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic) by more than 40 authors–some unknown, some prophets, some eyewitnesses to the death and resurrection of Jesus. It has withstood the test of time. It’s worth studying. It’s full of truth that you can build your life on.
Don’t learn from the Bible, and then go and do the opposite. Otherwise, you’ll be just like the guy in this 911 emergency call. Watch this video to take a listen.
So … yeah. You want to really stand out from your friends in a good way? Learn from the Bible, then do what it says. That’s called wisdom. That’s building your life on strong truth that will hold you up. It won’t shift and crumble when hard times come.
Ask yourself: What’s one thing I’ve learned from the Bible that I sometimes have trouble living out?
Challenge yourself: Find a friend (could be a family member, someone from your school, a trusted adult, etc.) who can pray with you about living the truth you know you should live out. Ask them if you can talk together once a week to check on how you’re doing. Don’t be surprised if you start to have victory in this area soon—then you can help others to live God’s truth just like your friend has helped you!
Pray: God, thank You for Your truth. It never changes. It doesn’t crumble or shift when things are difficult. I choose to listen to You and learn from Your words in the Bible. I choose to live what I learn from You because I want my life to be built on a rock, not shifting sand. In Jesus’ name, amen.
About this Plan

The Bible is a wild book. It can even be confusing–though followers of Jesus say it’s essential reading. But why? What makes the Bible different from any other book? Could it possibly have anything important to speak into the life of a preteen today? Complete this Bible Plan to see why the Bible really is essential reading.
We would like to thank Life.Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://www.life.church |