Together - Daily DevotionalSample
Sword of God’s Word
Reading: Matt.4:1-11
Key Verse: “Jesus answered, ‘It is written ... “ verse 4
The next piece of armour is referred to as “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God”. We have seen that the word devil means “accuser”. But this evil being is also called the “tempter” and in today’s passage we see how Jesus overcame temptations by using the sword of God’s word to cut the devil’s enticements to pieces.
It is interesting to contrast the responses of Jesus and Eve to temptation. Eve quoted God’s word but then reflected on the devils arguments and allowed her human desires to overrule her spiritual responsibilities (Gen.3:1-7). Jesus simply quoted God’s word and refused to enter into any further discussion. He controlled His human desires for food, vindication and preservation by relying on the spiritual affirmation and calling of His Father (Matt.3:17).
The Holy Spirit has given us the sword of God’s word to cut to pieces arguments, thoughts and mindsets that would otherwise manipulate us to dilute or reject God’s role in our lives (2 Cor.10:3-5). Although the Holy Spirit will help us when under attack, we need to consider how often we sharpen our sword in readiness for use. Our spiritual responsibility is to take time and trouble to read God’s word.
Prayer: Lord I ask You will sharpen my understanding and use of your word every day
About this Plan
We have created TOGETHER – a Daily Devotional to help us as a community and you as an individual grow in your relationship with God. Every month we will explore different themes and deepen our understanding of Bible. We’re looking forward to doing this TOGETHER with our church.