Good FaithSample

Where is God in this? It’s a question we all have probably asked ourselves when faced with challenges, hardships, or struggles. But if we’re honest, it’s a question we could (and should!) be asking in our everyday lives. That’s because faith isn’t something to be compartmentalized into specific parts or seasons of our lives.
It’s not just for Sundays at church, prayers with our children, gatherings with our Small Group, or Bible studies at home. It’s for the moments we’re folding laundry for our kids, making dinner for our families, showing up to work on a busy day, or hanging out with friends. It’s in the major milestones, like weddings, births, deaths, promotions, achievements, failures, and celebrations. And it’s in the daily details, like the field trips you chaperone, the friends you gather around the table, the conversations you have with your spouse before bed, and the lunches you share with your coworkers. Faith is something that God created to go with us everywhere and into everything.
So why not let our good faith grow and do just that? Think this week about what part of your life you can incorporate more of your faith into in this season. What would it look like to let faith step into that specific space in your life?
यस योजनाको बारेमा

We’re told to have faith that certain things will happen, to put our faith in ourselves, to keep the faith, to be faithful. But while phrases like that get tossed around in our vocabulary all the time, have you ever stopped to wonder what faith is really all about? At its core, faith is all trust, hope, and confidence. In this devotional, we’ll look at how putting our faith in Jesus shapes the way we live.
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