Good FaithSample

We all like to be in control, right? For some of us, this shows itself only in certain areas of our lives. We want to be in control of our finances, we want to be in control of our feelings, we want to be in control at work, we want to be in control of our children. In short, we want to be in control of it all! Because if we feel in control, we’ll be at rest. If we aren’t in charge of every part of every area of our lives (and honestly, maybe in the lives of others!), we aren’t happy. That’s what makes giving up control for all of us so difficult in some way.
The tricky part? It’s a huge part of developing the kind of faith that’s good for us! To let good faith grow in us, we have to give God the reigns once and for all. That’s what Jesus’ words are encouraging us toward here. When we heed His advice and choose not to worry about the details of our lives, we’re choosing to lay down the fight for control and give that power to God instead. Rather than wasting hours worrying, we can spend those hours letting God grow our faith by putting our trust in Him for every detail of our lives. Today, make a list of the things that worry you. Put it all out there, big and small! Then, read this Scripture aloud over that list as a practice of giving those worries and your control over them to God.
यस योजनाको बारेमा

We’re told to have faith that certain things will happen, to put our faith in ourselves, to keep the faith, to be faithful. But while phrases like that get tossed around in our vocabulary all the time, have you ever stopped to wonder what faith is really all about? At its core, faith is all trust, hope, and confidence. In this devotional, we’ll look at how putting our faith in Jesus shapes the way we live.
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