Good FaithSample

Part of letting God grow our faith is putting our trust in Him completely and totally. That doesn’t mean trusting God in some parts of our lives; it means trusting God in every part of our lives. When we’re afraid, we can trust God. When we’re struggling, we can trust God. When we’re celebrating, we can trust God. When we’re joyful, we can trust God. When we’re uncertain, we can trust God. In any and every season or circumstance, we are given the gift of the opportunity to put our trust in God. When we do—when we put our faith in Him to handle every detail of our lives with care and love—we can walk forward into anything with a deeper confidence that God has our backs.
As the psalmist said, with God on our side, who else can come against us? What can anyone do to shake our faith? Nothing when we trust in God! Write this verse down, replacing the word “I” with your name when you do. Read it back to yourself with your name included to make it personal to you and your faith. Let it be a prayer that allows you to remember where you can place your trust.
यस योजनाको बारेमा

We’re told to have faith that certain things will happen, to put our faith in ourselves, to keep the faith, to be faithful. But while phrases like that get tossed around in our vocabulary all the time, have you ever stopped to wonder what faith is really all about? At its core, faith is all trust, hope, and confidence. In this devotional, we’ll look at how putting our faith in Jesus shapes the way we live.
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