Proverbs - Wisdom for LifeSample

Do you know someone with great indoor plants in their house? The plants are lush and green and stand in pots. Here’s the thing: if those plants were left alone and ignored, they would soon droop, dry up, and die. To keep them growing and flourishing, they need water! Peace lilies are plants that will let you know when they need water, when the leaves start to droop, when it’s thirsty, and when you give them a big drink of water, the leaves stand up straight again.
If someone depended on your words for nourishment, would they flourish or starve? Like the peace lily, a person who is discouraged needs nourishment. They need the water of encouragement! Our words can bring life to others; they can be like water to dry souls. Think about people that you know. Do you speak words that nourish them and help them grow?
Kind words are like honey. Honey is sweet, and it’s yummy on toast. Honey is also really good for our bodies! When you have a cold or a sore throat, you can make a warm drink with honey, and it reduces pain and swelling. The sweet nectar of honey is loaded with antioxidants that help our brain and improve our memory. Honey is an excellent source of all-natural energy, and it even helps us sleep better! Honey can even disinfect and treat burns or wounds.
Kind words taste great. They comfort the sick and heal wounds. Kind words give life and energy to others and put their worries at ease. We are wise when we know the power of our words.
यस योजनाको बारेमा

We can find wisdom for life in the pages of the Bible, in one of the most well-known wisdom books, Proverbs. Through the life of Solomon, who wrote many of the Proverbs, discover that this book is more than just a collection of wise sayings. We are wise to ask God for wisdom when we build great friendships and when we know the power of our words.
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