Proverbs - Wisdom for LifeSample

The book of Proverbs speaks about the battle of what comes from our lips, the battle between wise words and foolish words. Solomon teaches us about what comes from wise words and what comes from foolish words. Wise words have the power to build someone up, and foolish words can tear a person down.
Solomon valued wisdom, he valued it above riches and fame. Solomon could have asked God for anything in the whole world, and God would have given it to him, but Solomon asked God for wisdom. Solomon wrote the book of Proverbs to pass on this vast wisdom to others. To help us understand, Solomon described wisdom as a woman. Lady Wisdom. Imagine, if wisdom was a person, what would she say? Read Proverbs 8 and discover what the voice of wisdom says. Be a person who listens to wisdom!
यस योजनाको बारेमा

We can find wisdom for life in the pages of the Bible, in one of the most well-known wisdom books, Proverbs. Through the life of Solomon, who wrote many of the Proverbs, discover that this book is more than just a collection of wise sayings. We are wise to ask God for wisdom when we build great friendships and when we know the power of our words.
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