Proverbs - Wisdom for LifeSample

There’s an old saying about friendship: “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future.” It warns that you will become like the people you spend time with. That’s why we need to choose our friends wisely. We might not physically look like the people we spend the most time with, but we certainly become like them in values, beliefs, and manners.
We might think it’s okay to hang out with troublemakers, that it won’t affect us, but it will. Choose friends who will be friends with you in the future, people who encourage you and make you a better person. Friends who encourage you and speak life and hope into you. Friends who have your best in mind!
If you want to be good at skateboarding, you might want to get to know some great skateboarders so you can learn from them. If you want to grow in your relationship with God, you might want to be friends with someone who is also growing in that area of their life. If you want to be wise, Proverbs says to hang out with wise people. Walk on the wise side!
Who we surround ourselves with is one of our most important decisions. We need friends who will be friends in our future, taking us toward the life God has for us, not away from it. Good friends make each other better. We are wise when we build great friendships.
यस योजनाको बारेमा

We can find wisdom for life in the pages of the Bible, in one of the most well-known wisdom books, Proverbs. Through the life of Solomon, who wrote many of the Proverbs, discover that this book is more than just a collection of wise sayings. We are wise to ask God for wisdom when we build great friendships and when we know the power of our words.
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