Proverbs - Wisdom for LifeSample

Words are powerful! God created the entire universe with the power of His words. God spoke, and creation came into being. He said “sky,” and there it was. He said “water,” and water appeared. He said “stars,” and there they were! God’s words have power.
How about our words? Scientists have discovered that girls speak 20,000 words daily, and guys speak 7,000 words daily. Those words have power. That’s a lot of talking! The words we say lay a path for our life. We have thousands of words daily to use; do we use them to make the world a better place? Or do we waste those words on gossip and grumbling? The Bible says that the words we say pour from what is in our hearts. Those words can come from a heart that is either full of goodness and kindness, or those words can come from a heart full of jealousy or anger.
Our words set us on a course like the rudder of a ship. They may seem small, but they are powerful. Our tongue and the words we speak direct our path. We are wise when we know the power of our words.
यस योजनाको बारेमा

We can find wisdom for life in the pages of the Bible, in one of the most well-known wisdom books, Proverbs. Through the life of Solomon, who wrote many of the Proverbs, discover that this book is more than just a collection of wise sayings. We are wise to ask God for wisdom when we build great friendships and when we know the power of our words.
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