Choosing to love God with EVERYTHING can sometimes feel like a challenge. It means giving 100% of our effort to it. Picture a race - the person who gave it their all and tried with everything they had will most likely beat the person who only gave 50% effort. There is a difference between giving it half of all you can and giving 100% of all you have. Jesus says to love God with ALL your heart, soul, and mind.
Maybe loving God with all your heart, soul, and mind means choosing to put Him first with your time? Or honoring Him with what you watch on TV? Do you give God 100% when you see someone being picked on in class and you choose to stick up for the person, showing God’s love to them, or do you want to try and stay popular with other people and just stand by?
Giving everything is showing your love for God with your heart, with your soul, and with your mind. It shows in the choices you make, the things you think about and dwell on, and it shows in how you treat others. Just like running that race, give everything you’ve got to run after God.
Discover God’s love! God is love, and His love never quits. Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. We can show love in our words and our actions.