When Jesus was on earth, He spent time teaching people about God’s love. One day some important religious leaders were debating about all the laws that were in the scriptures they followed. They were arguing about which rules were the most important. They asked Jesus to give them an answer. Maybe they were expecting Jesus to tell them that the most important law was something like “keep the sabbath holy day” or “do not steal”.
Remember the ten commandments that God gave to Moses and the people of Israel? These are the kind of laws that religious people followed, and they even added MORE and MORE and MORE rules to try and keep everyone doing the right things and keep everyone holy before God. There were too many rules, and no one had any hope of keeping every single one. Jesus came to give us a new way of living. They didn’t understand that. They wanted Jesus to tell them which rule was the most important. Jesus gave them a new way to see. Jesus told them that the greatest commandment, the most important rule, was to love God with everything and to love others.
Discover God’s love! God is love, and His love never quits. Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. We can show love in our words and our actions.