What is the difference between your heart, soul, and mind?
You probably know where your heart is, and you probably know where your mind is, but what about your soul? That one is a bit harder, isn’t it? Our soul is not part of our body, but it is definitely a part of us.
The heart is how we describe where our feelings come from.
The soul describes who you are and your nature.
The mind is your thoughts and actions.
Strength is our effort and energy.
Jesus tells us the greatest two commands are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.
In this verse, Jesus is telling us to love God with everything that we are: Love Him with our feelings, with our being and nature, with our thoughts and actions, and with all our strength and energy. Love God with everything, Love Him with all your HEART, all your SOUL, all your STRENGTH, and all your MIND.
Discover God’s love! God is love, and His love never quits. Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. We can show love in our words and our actions.