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15 ၏ နေ့ 12

Imagine someone important like your school principal or the president was going to come to your house for dinner. You would prepare everything nicely and serve delicious food. Your parents would probably ask you to set the table with your best plates and cutlery. Everyone in your family would wear some nice clothes and be on their best behavior. You would serve them, and they would be your guest of honor.

Now, imagine that after a meal, your guest of honor said, “Everyone stay as you are, let me clean up.” Then began clearing the plates, washing the dishes, and taking out the trash. This person you looked up to and respected was serving everyone else. You might say, “No, I can’t let you do that! You’re our guest!”

Something like that happened when Jesus shared a meal with His disciples. Jesus taught the disciples to show love in their words and actions; He taught that we show God’s love to others when we serve them. He wasn’t too important to serve the people around Him. He knelt down on His knees and washed their dirty feet. Think about how we can serve others and show them love, not just with our words but in our actions.


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