God is Love. We’re learning all about LOVE. There’s lots of songs written about love by people who are trying to work it out, and there’s lots of movies about people who find love. Love shows in many ways, but what is love, truly?
Instead of looking for what love is in a song or movie, it’s best to see what the Bible says love is. Maybe instead of asking, “WHAT is love?”, we should be asking, “WHO is love?”.
There are many verses that talk about Love: loving one another, loving your parents and loving God. But there are also many verses which tell us that God is love. More than love as something we or God does, the Bible says it is WHO He is.
GOD IS LOVE. He is who love is, He is what love is. Love came from God and is God. God is Love, and His love never quits.
Discover God’s love! God is love, and His love never quits. Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. We can show love in our words and our actions.