Dangerous Prayersनमुना

God's willingness to send his son, Jesus, to us, knowing that He would suffer and die was an intentional decision. Being God, He could have chosen multiple ways to save us, but he decided on an upside-down system where the first is last, and strength means choosing self-sacrifice on behalf of others.
It is strange to be both broken and healed at once, but I think that is what God has called us to—a path where we acknowledge our ongoing brokenness and healing simultaneously.
As followers of Christ, we are called to this way of life that doesn't always make sense in the context of our world. The world values confidence, strength, outward success, and sometimes taking care of ourselves ahead of others. Jesus points us to an eternal way of living that turns all that on its head. He asks us to trust Him and follow his teachings of loving our neighbor even when unsure of how it will work out.
My wife often refers to the saying, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." I often think of this when I forget to seek ways to serve and connect with others around me. When I take the time to be still and listen for God's voice, He often uses those moments to call me to this posture of intentional compassion.
"God, please be patient with my two steps forward and one step back, and break my heart for the things that break yours. Give me compassion for the hurt and suffering I see in others around me and the pain I carry inside myself. You are the wounded healer, and I ask for your spirit, eyes, compassion, and courage to respond when I see need and suffering, even when I'm unsure what to do. May you be my eyes, may you be my heart, may you be my hands and my feet. I submit myself to you and ask for your guidance as I love others daily. Amen."
Chris Cochran
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या योजनेविषयी

In His most familiar prayer, Jesus uttered a four-word "dangerous prayer:" "Your will be done" (Matthew 6:10). It takes trust in God's goodness and faithfulness to pray for His will in our lives. I want to invite you to have the same heart and desire as Jesus and to follow His lead in these four words: "Your will be done."