Dangerous Prayersनमुना

If you know me, you know that I am a flip-flop kind of guy. I wear flip-flops because they are comfortable, not because I am trying to flaunt my beautiful feet.
Did you know God talks about feet in the Bible, specifically beautiful feet? Kind of weird, I know, but He does. It is not the form that is beautiful but instead its function. In Isaiah 52:7, God declares, "How beautiful" are the feet of those who know the good news and bring it to share with those who do not.
God longs for more men and women, girls and boys, to come to know Jesus as their Savior. How? More beautiful feet. In John 20:21, Jesus says, "As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you", and in Matthew 28, we are instructed to go into ALL the world and share the good news. If you love Jesus as our Lord and Savior, He wants your feet to be beautiful. He wants to empower you to bring the good news of great joy for all the people, to all the people, including our friends, neighbors, teammates, family members, and co-workers. God wants everyone to know Jesus as Savior and Lord, every...single...person. Will you let Him make your feet beautiful?
Fasting is uncomfortable, yet it helps us connect with God in meaningful ways. Sharing the good news can be uncomfortable, yet is remarkably rewarding as it not only helps us experience God deeply, but it may also lead someone we care about to experience Him for the first time as they step into a saving relationship with their Savior. Embrace the uncomfortable so that you can have beautiful feet.
Prayer: “Lord, please provide the strength, courage, and joy to choose to have ‘beautiful feet'!”
Scott Moon
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या योजनेविषयी

In His most familiar prayer, Jesus uttered a four-word "dangerous prayer:" "Your will be done" (Matthew 6:10). It takes trust in God's goodness and faithfulness to pray for His will in our lives. I want to invite you to have the same heart and desire as Jesus and to follow His lead in these four words: "Your will be done."