He Isസാംപിൾ

He Is

20 ദിവസത്തിൽ 14 ദിവസം

In a world filled with so much anxiety and pressure, the idea of peace may seem like just another impossible dream. There are just so many things that weigh us down from day to day. From ensuring our kids are fed to finding work when jobs are scarce or even just getting through personal tasks can be overwhelming and all-consuming. This can double when we feel like we’re doing these things alone. We may even feel like there isn’t light at the end of the tunnel.

Today, find a comfortable space around you, maybe your favorite chair at home or alone time in your car, and take a minute or two to just sit and breathe. Close your eyes, breathe in and out, and imagine yourself giving God all your cares and worries. He wants us to trust Him with the things that are weighing us down. He reminds us that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Say this verse to yourself, either out loud or in your head. Commit to saying this verse whenever you are overwhelmed or struggling with an issue this week. If it helps, write the verse on a piece of paper, on the Notes app on your phone, or even record yourself saying it and listening to it when needed.


ദിവസം 13ദിവസം 15

ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

He Is

Getting to know someone takes time. It’s the same with our relationship with God. God doesn’t just want us to know facts about Him or only speak to Him through prayers sporadically said throughout our lives. God wants us to have a relationship with Him based on us knowing who He is. We will walk together through Scriptures that are filled with descriptions of God’s attributes and promises to help us know Him more.
