He Isസാംപിൾ

He Is

20 ദിവസത്തിൽ 13 ദിവസം

When we read the Exodus story, it can be easy to read it more from the viewpoint of Moses than from the Israelites themselves. Knowing their experience had been so different from our own lives, we may not be able to put ourselves in their shoes to view the story from their perspective. Can you imagine putting your absolute trust in a God you believed abandoned you for hundreds of years? Sure, He brought you out of Egypt, but now you find yourself trapped before a sea with Pharaoh’s army advancing at your back, ready to drag you back to a life you never want to be in again. It’s almost natural that the people panicked. They felt like they had moved from a terrible situation to an impossible one. That the freedom they so desperately wanted was slipping through their fingers.

But Moses reminded the people of the absolute power of God. That the God who brought them out of Egypt would fight for them and their freedom. God not only provided freedom to the Israelites but also gave us freedom from a life trapped in sin. God wants to fight with us and for us. Spend some time in prayer today, thanking God for His power over sin and asking Him to help you fight your battles with sin each day.


ദിവസം 12ദിവസം 14

ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

He Is

Getting to know someone takes time. It’s the same with our relationship with God. God doesn’t just want us to know facts about Him or only speak to Him through prayers sporadically said throughout our lives. God wants us to have a relationship with Him based on us knowing who He is. We will walk together through Scriptures that are filled with descriptions of God’s attributes and promises to help us know Him more.
