He Isസാംപിൾ

From the beginning, God has always communicated with His people. From walking in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve to speaking with Noah about building an ark and even sending His very Son down to communicate in person directly, God has always found a way to get His messages to His people. Even when sin tried to separate us, God found ways to open communication, even during times when His people didn’t exactly appreciate His effort or felt abandoned by Him.
We love and serve a God who is continually finding ways to be a part of our lives. He uses Scripture to comfort and guide, friends to help keep us accountable and supportive of one another, and even sent the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. If we’re looking for a message, God has provided so many options so we don’t miss what He has to say to us.
This week, set aside a specific amount of time each day to truly communicate with God. That may be through Scripture, prayer, or even spending time with a group of fellow believers who work together to uplift, support, and encourage one another. After each session, try to reflect on how you are feeling. Do you feel closer to God? Do you feel as though it’s getting easier to listen to what He has to say to you? Is there a method that you feel works best for you?
ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Getting to know someone takes time. It’s the same with our relationship with God. God doesn’t just want us to know facts about Him or only speak to Him through prayers sporadically said throughout our lives. God wants us to have a relationship with Him based on us knowing who He is. We will walk together through Scriptures that are filled with descriptions of God’s attributes and promises to help us know Him more.