He Isസാംപിൾ

The world is full of stories all about how the impossible can become possible. Before 1969, most people in the world may have thought that a man walking on the moon would be impossible. Before the internet, the idea of having unlimited information at our fingertips would have been considered nothing more than a dream. Humanity has a habit of trying to take something impossible and turn it into reality. But some things in life are truly impossible. As smart, capable, and driven as humanity may be, there are still limits to what we can do.
Knowing that we have limits could lead some to feel as though there’s a great power that they’re missing out on. But as believers, we know we have access to that power through our relationship with God. While humanity has limits on what we achieve, God has no limits, period. He is the very definition of powerful. When we come up against the impossible, such as trying to live without sin or shame, we recognize how truly powerless we may be. But God is just waiting for us to invite Him into our battle, where we know the outcome will always be a victory.
Is there something in your life that you feel powerless to fight? What are some ways you can invite God into the battle?
ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Getting to know someone takes time. It’s the same with our relationship with God. God doesn’t just want us to know facts about Him or only speak to Him through prayers sporadically said throughout our lives. God wants us to have a relationship with Him based on us knowing who He is. We will walk together through Scriptures that are filled with descriptions of God’s attributes and promises to help us know Him more.